Fire Ant DIY Treatments

Published In: Mythbusting
Fire ants carrying food with "Cook's Pest Control" logo.

An Imported Pest that Wreaks Havoc Red Imported Fire Ants have been an enormous pest problem. First introduced to Mobile, Alabama in the 1940’s, Fire Ants have rapidly spread throughout the southern United States. Their success in the U.S. can be attributed to both their large colony sizes and their aggressiveness in defending their territory […]

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Thrips and Clover Mites

Published In: Miscellaneous
A field of white clover flowers bathed in sunlight with the "Cook's Pest Control" logo in the upper right corner.

Who Done It? A Case of Mistaken Identity Spring is just around the corner, and after a relatively mild and wet winter, we can expect a large number of pests to be waking up soon. With that in mind, we thought it would be a good time to take a look at some of the […]

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Attic Issues

Published In: Occasional Invaders
A close-up image of a mottled brown and white beetle with yellow particles on it, against a light background, with the "Cook's Pest Control" logo in the upper left corner.

Attic Pest Issues With the potential of an early spring being right around the corner, instances of attic pest issues will most likely begin to rise. It is one of the most secluded areas in a home, however, it can often produce the most pest issues. These are a few of the commonly encountered attic pests […]

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Unexpected Christmas Pests

Published In: Occasional Invaders
Several pine trees leaning over in the snow with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Although it is not as popular as it used to be, millions of American families will use a real Christmas tree for their holiday decorations. Unfortunately, many insect species also call these trees home to ride out the cold weather, or overwinter, until the warm spring weather. By bringing these trees inside the warmth of […]

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Too Spooky For Me

Published In: Pests
Close up shot of a spider's face and eyes with Cook's Pest Control Logo.

Entomophobia is the excessive fear of insects. Most of our customers suffer from this common phobia to some extent, which is why they trust us here at Cook’s to keep the insects out of their home. Because it’s October, and Halloween is right around the corner, we thought we’d take a look at why people […]

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The Relationship Between Aphids, Ants, and Natural Enemies

Published In: Identification
Three green aphids on a white background with the Cook's Pest Control logo to the right.

Have you walked by a garden or flowerbed recently and wondered why some plants have a sheen on them when it hasn’t rained recently? That sheen is actually a sugary substance called “honeydew” that is secreted from aphids. Aphids (Family: Aphididae) are soft-bodied insects that use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on plant sap. […]

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Goliath Bird-Eating Spider

Published In: Pests
Goliath bird-eating tarantula against a plain white background.

Spiders (and snakes) give people the heebie jeebies. There’s something about having too many legs (or not enough legs) that really unnerves people. The fact that some are venomous further expounds our fears. And, the bigger they are, the worse we tend to feel about them. Let’s talk about one of the world’s largest spiders. […]

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Crevice Weavers

Published In: Pests
Comparison photo of crevice weaver spiders, male and female, Cook's Pest Control logo in corner.

Southern House Spiders (Crevice Weavers) The crevice weaver, or southern house spider, is a common nuisance spider found around human structures. The males and females exhibit sexual dimorphism, meaning that they look very different from each other. You might think they were two distinct species if you didn’t know any better. In addition to sexual […]

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Brown Recluse Spiders

Published In: Pests
Brown recluse spier underneath brown foliage with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Spiders are feared and reviled, more so than even the most dangerous of insects. While having eight legs isn’t helping their creepiness factor, spiders are mainly feared for their venomous nature. Almost all spiders have venom, but only a few have venom potent enough to harm humans. Reclusive and Deadly: The “Fiddleback” or Brown Recluse […]

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Black Widow Spider

Published In: Pests
Female black widow spider in a spider's web with Cook's Pest Control logo

Beauty and Death in a Small, Jet-Black Package Not all spiders are fast and hairy. Think of the black widow: a jet-black, slender-legged, sleek and shiny spider. It is one of the few spiders with venom potent enough to harm a human. This fact, coupled with early laboratory observations in which females ate the males […]

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Some Like it Hot

Published In: Miscellaneous
Several mosquitos flying against a background with warm colors and Cook's Pest Control logo.

The summer is definitely hot here, and it has been particularly brutal this year. Several heat records have already been broken across central Alabama, and heat indexes routinely surpass 100 degrees. For those working outside, this heat can not only be a burden, but a dangerous health concern as well. Just remember to drink plenty […]

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Armadillos, Opossums, and Skunks: Armor, Stink, and Slink

Published In: Identification
An opossum perched on a wooden fence with foliage behind and Cook's Pest Control logo.

Armadillos The nine-banded armadillo is a strange little mammal covered in bony, dermal plates. They have poor eyesight but a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. They are carnivores that specialize on worms and insects. Their foraging behavior leaves behind unsightly holes, much to the dismay of homeowners and landscapers. While mostly an aesthetic concern, […]

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Pest Profile: Carpenter Ants

Published In: Pest Profile
Carpenter ant on wood with Cook's Pest Control logo

Not everything that lives in wood is a termite, and not everything that bores through wood is eating the wood. Consider the carpenter ant. There are many species of carpenter ants, but the most common house-infesting species is the black carpenter ant. It is uniformly black with yellowish hairs on the abdomen. Carpenter Ants: The […]

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Spring is Coming

Published In: rodents
Stylized image of termite, fly, and mouse icons with stylistic letters and Cook's Pest Control Logo

Spring. A time of rebirth, renewal, new life… and the resurgence of pests. We’re not the only ones enjoying the warming weather. The house mouse, house fly, and eastern subterranean termite are among the most troublesome pests to come with the changing of the seasons.

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Published In: Pests
Brown insect on a green leaf with Cook's Pest Control Logo

When winter approaches, some adult insects avoid a cold death by migrating or hibernating. One of the best-known insect migrators is the monarch butterfly. While we normally think of bears and bats as hibernating, insects do it too, but we call it overwintering.

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Fleas and Ticks

Published In: Miscellaneous
Tick embedded on a green leaf with blue background and Cook's Pest Control logo.

I think it’s safe to say that most people don’t like insects and their multi-legged relatives. Even the most harmless ones evoke fear and disgust. And the ones that suck blood? Now that’s the stuff of nightmares (and Hollywood movies).

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