Pest Prevention in Spring:  How to Protect Your Home from Seasonal Pests 

A woman vacuuming her living room and tidying surfaces, illustrating essential spring cleaning steps that help prevent indoor pests.

As the chill of winter fades and the warmth of spring sets in, nature awakens. Flowers bloom, birds sing, and unfortunately, pests become more active. Spring is prime time for nuisance insects like ants, flies, spiders, and stinging insects to invade homes in search of food, water, and shelter. Without proactive prevention, your home could […]

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DIY This Not That

Published In: Occasional Invaders, Pests, rodents

DIY This, Not That: Winter Edition As winter storms sweep across the South and temperatures drop, pests are finding their way indoors in search of warmth and shelter. Homes and businesses alike become prime targets for unwelcome guests like rodents, cockroaches, and silverfish. While DIY pest control might seem tempting, not all methods are effective—or […]

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Preventing Rodent Infestations as Temperatures Drop

Published In: rodents, Uncategorized

Rodents in the Attic? Here’s How to Prevent Rodent Infestations This Fall  As temperatures drop in the fall, many homeowners find themselves dealing with unwelcome visitors—rodents. Seeking warmth, food, and shelter, these small creatures often make their way into attics and homes, causing potential property damage and health risks. According to the National Pest Management […]

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House Mice in Winter

Published In: rodents
A mouse peeking through a torn hole with the Cook's Pest Control logo on the upper left side.

What happens to house mice when the temperature drops? Although insects decline as the temperatures drop, warm-blooded pests like rodents are still as active as ever. When the outdoors become inhospitable, rodents travel in search of warmth, food, and shelter, which often leads them into our toasty, food-packed homes. The small and curious house mouse […]

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Rodents at Large (Norway rat, Roof rat, house mouse)

Published In: rodents
A mouse with the "Cook's Pest Control" logo in the corner.

Kristen Stevens, BCE Corporate Entomologist, Cook’s Pest Control Cooler Weather Means Rodents Looking for Somewhere to Stay Warm As cooler weather approaches, so do rodent issues. Rodents, like any other pest, are seeking food, water and shelter when you find them inside your facility. They are there because inside seems like a cozy, great place […]

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Spring is Coming

Published In: rodents
Stylized image of termite, fly, and mouse icons with stylistic letters and Cook's Pest Control Logo

Spring. A time of rebirth, renewal, new life… and the resurgence of pests. We’re not the only ones enjoying the warming weather. The house mouse, house fly, and eastern subterranean termite are among the most troublesome pests to come with the changing of the seasons.

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Mouse vs. Rat

Published In: rodents
Photo of a simple brown mouse on white background with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Many people refer to mice and rats as “the same thing,” when in reality, they are anything but. Mice and rats and distinctly different in both appearance and behavior. Control efforts vary depending on whether you have an infestation of mice or rats.

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