Learn »Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps

(Family: Vespidae)


Paper wasps (Family: Vespidae) get their name for the waxy, paper like material from which they construct their nests. They make this material by scraping and chewing wood fibers and mixing it with their saliva to form a water-resistant material. Paper wasps are strikingly colored, covered in yellow and black stripes. This coloration is a warning to others to stay away. These wasps can be aggressive, and will attack with a painful sting if they feel themselves or their nest is under threat. The nests built by paper wasps are hung from structures such as eaves or gutters, and have an umbrella shape with open hexagonal cells facing downward. These cells are where the queen lays her eggs, and where the young develop until they emerge as adults.

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Paper Wasps

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Paper Wasps

About Wasps, Hornets, Yellowjackets

During the warmer months of the year these insects will build nests in protected areas inside attics and gutters, or under decks or eaves. While the stings from wasps, hornets, or yellowjackets may hurt, they can also cause more serious health issues like painful swelling, infections, and nausea.