Boxelder Bug
The Boxelder Bug (Boisea trivittata) are a native insect of the order Hemiptera, or True Bugs. Like all True Bugs, this insect possesses piercing/sucking mouthparts. The Boxelder Bug mainly feeds on the seeds of boxelder, maple, and ash trees. The adult Boxelder Bug is black, with bright orange/red marking on the edges of its wings, and a bright stripe down the center of its thorax, behind its head. The juvenile’s body is almost entirely a bright orange/red, with black wing pads and a black head. These insects are typically found on the boxelder, ash, and maple trees, as the developing seeds on these trees are their main source of food. Boxelder bugs can release a foul odor if disturbed, and may stain clothing and surfaces if crushed.
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